new & full moon ceremony (portugal)

Every new moon and every full moon we gather in a circle to drink cacao, connect and share. 

I will take you on a deep transformative journey within working with the loving support of the cacao medicine. Within this journey we will focus on grounding into your body, on connecting to your heart, and opening to all what is alive in you. I am creating a safe space for you to be, to feel, a space where you are being carried. 

Every journey is different as I am working intuitively and tuning into what’s needed at that moment.

During this journey I work with the cacao medicine, intention, meditation, visualization, breathwork, shamanic drum, sound bowls, energy, inquiry and sharings in between.

This journey is for you if you would like to:

  • connect to likeminded humans & feel part of the community
  • calm your mind and ground into your body
  • let go of the old stories and limiting beliefs
  • see, accept and embrace all parts of YOU
  • reconnect to the love within
  • gain clarity from the wisdom of your heart
  • align yourself with the power within
Processed with VSCO with dog1 preset

new & full moon ceremony (portugal)

This journey takes around 3 hours.

Time: 19:30 - 22:30
Location: Baleal (Peniche), Portugal
investment: €33,00

We have limited spots!

The purchased ticket is for the first upcoming event.
Check my Instagram for the latest information.

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Kakalina Kakao

by Nathalie Kemna


btw: NL002235980B67

KvK: 63737493

© 2018 - 2025 Kemna Productions