how to prepare

your daily cacao ritual

KAKALINA invites you to create the space for yourself to BE and to anchor in gratitude while you are enjoying this gift from the earth. A moment to reconnect to  your higher self, to slow down and to feel a deeper connection to all that is. Taking a break from our busy lives to sit with the spirit of the cacao allows us to be present, to open our hearts to love and to see clearly.

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  • Make a cozy space for yourself where you can connect to yourself and with the spirit of the cacao. You can put on music, or stay in silence.
  • Light a candle and clear your energy with sage – we love Love.Bound – or palo santo.
  • Set your intention for this cup of cacao.
  • Repeat your intention(s) with every sip you take.
  • If you have more time and you want to deepen your journey, you can also do a guided meditation (to meditation page) while the cacao is finding her way within your body, to go on a deeper journey.
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Kakalina Kakao

by Nathalie Kemna


btw: NL002235980B67

KvK: 63737493

© 2018 - 2025 Kemna Productions