4-week journey ~ softening (online)
starting 11/11 ~ 20:00 CET
In this fast paced society where you constantly feel pressured, where you feel the rush of needing to keep up, needing to do more and more to feel worthy, feeling the pressure of having to be creative, having to launch a new program, having to have it all figured out, having to ‘do a lot’ to follow your soul purpose, as it’s something you need to achieve or reach outside of yourself to be good enough, where we constantly need to heal something from ourselves to keep our frequency high to ‘manifest’ & ‘quantum leap timelines’ and to be able to be magnetic. As if we need to achieve ‘something’ to be powerful, to be beautiful, to be magnetic, to be divine.. you ARE.. there’s nothing you need to achieve or to create to be that. You are.
I feel what this world really needs is to s o f t e n.
I am inviting you to return back home to your body, to reconnect with the frequency of love, to soften, to slow down. Returning back to your feminine essence. Returning to a state of b e i n g. Knowing that you exist beyond the mind. Knowing that you are whole and complete just as you are.
I would love to welcome you on a journey into s o f t e n i n g. From doing into b e i n g. I will be guiding you through ceremony, meditation & sacred practices in an online container with sisters where we will reconnect to the frequency of love.
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